Plagiarism Defined
Plagiarism involves submitting or presenting work in a course as if it were the student’s own work done expressly for that particular course when, in fact, it is not. Plagiarism exists when:
- The work submitted was done, in whole or in part, by an individual other than the one submitting the work,
- Parts of the work are taken from another source without reference to the original author,
- The whole work is copied from another source, and/or
- A student submits or presents work in one course which has also been submitted in another course (although it may be completely original with that student) without the knowledge of or prior agreement of the instructor involved.
While it is recognized that scholarly work often involves reference to the ideas, data and conclusions of other scholars, intellectual honesty requires that such references be explicitly and clearly noted. Plagiarism is an extremely serious academic offence.
- Failing Grade — a student may be given a failing grade in either the assignment or course in which that student is found guilty of plagiarism. Except in circumstances in which leniency is warranted, this penalty will be applied in conjunction with one or other of the other penalties mentioned below.
- Disciplinary Probation—when a student is placed on disciplinary probation, he or she is entitled to proceed with their academic program. If the student is found guilty of a further academic offence the student will be suspended or expelled.
- Suspension—suspension takes place when a student is denied continuance at the college for a specified period of time. A student who has been placed under suspension is eligible to reapply for admission after the end of that specified period of time. Suspension does not imply automatic readmission; a student must satisfy the dean of his/her eligibility for readmission.
- Expulsion—a student who is expelled is dismissed permanently from the college with no right to apply for readmission.
Penalties and Their Application
- In cases in which the Vice President Academics is satisfied that a student is guilty of a clear intention to deceive, the normal penalty will be either suspension or expulsion from the college.
- In cases in which the Vice President Academics is satisfied that an offence has been committed, but doubt is left as to the existence of a clear intention to deceive, the normal penalty will be disciplinary probation.
- In cases where a student is found guilty of more than a single offence, the normal penalty will be expulsion from the college.
This policy is based on the University of Calgary policy “Plagiarism, Cheating & Academic Misconduct - 1996-97” Copyright © 1998 University of Calgary