- Appeals may be made to the President on issues of expulsion from the college. Appeals may be made to the VP Academic on issues of suspension from the college for disciplinary reasons. Issues of lesser severity will be dealt with by the staff member, supervisor/coach or mentor involved.
- An appeal of an expulsion or suspension is made by filing a written notice of appeal within ten working days of the original decision. The written notice shall be delivered to the President, or VP Academic, as appropriate. In the case of an appeal, the President or VP Academic shall convene a Faculty Appeals Committee meeting to make a recommendation.
- The Committee will inform the appropriate staff members, the student’s mentor and/or coach, and the student in writing of the time and mode (e.g., live, Skype, phone) of the meeting, and of the offense with which the student has been charged.
- The College will provide pertinent documents to the student in advance of the meeting. Documents not presented in advance require the approval of the student and the Committee chairman in order to be accepted.
- The student may speak in his or her own defense or may have the assistance of a lawyer.
- The student and others will be dismissed after their remarks and the Committee will make its decision in private.
- The decision is to be based upon the facts presented at the meeting. These facts will be recorded by a member of the Committee.
- In the case of an appeal of a decision to suspend, the Committee is granted the authority to make a ruling.
- In the case of an appeal of a decision to expel, the Committee will make a recommendation to the President to uphold, overturn, or modify the previous decision based upon the evidence presented. The President shall make the final ruling.
- The student, appropriate staff members, the student’s mentor and/or coach, and the Administrative Cabinet are informed immediately of the decision. The written record is open to review by the student and appropriate staff.
Other Academic Decisions
This procedure is used for appeals of all academic decision except decisions related to grades as provided for in Policies related to Reappraisal of Grade Decisions and Expulsion
In all cases the first step in the process is a personal discussion of the question between those making the decision and the person(s) to whom the decision applies. This must occur within 15 days of the initial decision being communicated to the student. If a resolution acceptable to both the student and the other party cannot be reached, the following appeal procedures will be used.
In all cases, the appeal must be submitted, in writing within 15 days of receiving the decision of the person or body in question.
- An appeal of a decision made by a faculty member, a faculty committee or the Registrar is made to the VP Academic. The student will receive a written response.
- An appeal of a decision made by the VP Academic, whether his/her own or as part of an appeal is made in writing, within 15 days of receiving the decision of the VP Academic, to the Faculty Appeals Committee. The decision of the committee is final.